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Workplace Wellbeing - Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout

Burnout is a state of chronic excessive and prolonged stress that leads to:

  • a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion

  • feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and beyond caring

  • losing interest and motivation in the things you normally enjoy

  • lack of energy, reduced productivity, and being unable to meet work and life demands

  • eventually feeling empty and that you have nothing left to give


Burnout doesn't just appear suddenly without warning. It is a much more gradual process, sneaking up on you over time, making it harder to recognise. Even so our bodies and minds do give us warning signals, and if you know what to look for, you can identify it before it's too late. The signs and symptoms are subtle at first, becoming worse as time goes on. Paying attention to the early symptoms and taking active steps to manage your stress levels by doing simple things that are easy and work for you, can prevent ending up in full burn out.

Most of us have bad days when we feel overloaded, overwhelmed and unappreciated, but when those days become every day it is time to do something about it.


Physical signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Feeling exhausted and drained all the time

  • Lowered immunity, frequent illnesses

  • Frequent headaches or muscle pain and discomfort

  • Change in appetite or disturbed sleep

Emotional signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Loss of confidence

  • Loss of motivation

  • Sense of failure and self-doubt

  • Feeling detached, disconnected, alone in the world

  • Increasingly cynical and negative outlook

  • Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

  • Feeling helpless, trapped, and defeated

Behavioural signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Isolating yourself from others

  • Taking longer to get things done

  • Withdrawing from responsibilities

  • Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope

  • Taking out your frustrations on others

  • Procrastinating or avoiding work 


We can guide you on how to improve your wellbeing in the workplace environment. To support you acquiring the skills to change unhelpful work habits, and to reduce the feelings of stress, anxiety and burnout, we will:


  • Identify simple strategies that will improve your sense of wellbeing at work and home

  • Review your work postures, especially unhelpful prolonged positions or poor ergonomics

  • Discover the sensory mindfulness techniques that work best for you

  • Discover simple activities to do in the workplace to boost your focus and energy levels

  • Enhance your motivation to take the actions that relieve your stress

  • Increase your sense of peace, calm and control

  • Improve your ability to sleep

  • Practice easy relaxation techniques that activate the body’s relaxation response to recharge and restore

  • Practice setting boundaries comfortably, to create more space for yourself

  • Find activities you enjoy that create balance in your life and promote recovery

Stressed Man
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